Donate to Organizations:
Raíces is a Texas-based organization which provides legal and social service aid to immigrants, asylum seekers, and refugees. They also participate in immigrant rights advocacy work throughout the state. You can learn more about Raíces and make a donation on their home page:
POCA (Professional Opportunity Connection for All)
POCA (Professional Opportunity Connection for All) is a Dallas-based non-profit organization, co-founded by Sandra Avalos. POCA provides tools and resources to immigrants with the goal of increasing their professional opportunities, including training on how to open and establish an LLC in order to do contract work within the United States. You can learn more and donate on their home page:
IRLC (Immigrant Legal Resource Center)
“The ILRC’s work in Texas focuses on building capacity and passing and implementing local policies that dismantle the arrest-to-deportation pipeline and decriminalize immigrants, Black people, and other communities of color.”
Find & Contact your Representatives:
Common Cause
“Here you can find your representatives, how to contact them, bills they’ve introduced, committees they serve on, and political contributions they’ve received.”